I am using the povexport.py script created by Jan Walter. When I try to run it I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “povexport.py”, line 364, in ?
AttributeError: getCurrentScene
The line where the error occurs is, of course, Blender.getCurrentScene(). I downloaded the latest Python release for Windows and I have Blender 2.23 installed. Anyone else run into this or know how to solve it?
“Oh this is the latest version, therfore it must be the best”
This is a common problem that people run into. Athough it may be the best, blender is compatable with python 2.0.1 so this is the version that you should download. It is avalable at
All scripts (except one or two, oldest, but they don’t work even with python1.52) work fine with python2.2 on my windows98 system, and also on my mdk8.2 Linux one. The most common problem is the correct installation of python ( no PYTHONPATH in autoexec.bat or bad directory name with space, “mydisk:/Programs Files/python2.x”, for instance).