Trouble with proxies

Hello all,

I’ve had blender for a couple of years now, and know a lot about it.

I recently bought mancandy and am using Mancany 2.1 for an animation. I have linked him into a file, and added an armature using proxies to him. Now I want to put clothes on him, so I create another proxy to him so that I can edit him. Now that duplicates him, so that there is one mancandy empty, and one mancandy with which I can go into edit mode and edit with. Now, when I move the armature it moves the empty, not the edited one, and I cannot get the candyskel (the armature) to work on the edited one. I can’t add proxies on the edited one.

I have tried to parent the edited mancandy to the armature, but that doesn’t work.

Any help on this would be appreciated!
