So I have exhausted my brain to find a way to make a barrel cannon similar to the ones in DKC. I found the following method and was surprised at how easy it was to make and that it worked first try. The player collides with the cannon’s collision cube and it sets the player’s parent to an empty and disables the players motion controls. When the spacebar is hit, the empty plays an action that carries the player to the desired location as if the cannon “fired” it. Does that make sense? If not here’s the test file.
Well I tried the same thing with my actual character who looks suspiciously like Donkey Kong. . . and it doesn’t work and I can’t figure out why when it’s so simple. Below is that test file. All I have set up is the cannon’s cube set up to make the player set its parent to the empty. That seems to be where the problem is.
The cube is to the left. It’s purple.
If someone can help me figure out the problem and find a solution, that would be fantastic!