Troubleshooting F-Curve & Driver Errors?

I accidentally checked the Only Show Errors filter in the Actions Editor and noticed I have errors in all my actions for some reason unbeknownst to me.

I don’t expect answers to my specific case, but wonder if someone can provide some helpful pointers that could nudge me in the right direction. How do I approach this – is there a place in Blender where I can get information on what’s wrong exactly?

(TLDR. Maybe unrelated but I do experience weird behavior in my actions like, they either won’t play, or when pushed down to the NLA destructively messing each other up to the point of not being able to get back my properly animated actions other than opening the actions themselves… but these things could also be normal and due to the fact I haven’t wrapped my head around actions, action strips, action clips and the NLA at this point.)

a “typical” reason for this is, that the bone either was renamed or doesn’t exist anymore.
e.g. check whether bone c_foot_ik.r exists.

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