Hurry up Solid Engine ! We ya back
What a cheap rip-off of MilkShape, which costs a piddaly 19.99 USD.
LOL, and to think one can make games in the completely free Blender.
This is YAPP (Yet Another Pointless Post)
Please read my signature.
Sorry for my poor expressions in english.
This is lame. Every 9-year-old in the US and prolly the UK and Norway will buy it, only to discover that they actually need to create something theirselves. With imagination and skill :o :o :o! Terrible. US courts will shut down after a week due to overload because of too many lawsuits against the program’s developer. The kid’s mothers’ will sue them because the game advertised “create models with no woory”. Their kids thought that they must simply press a button and the program will create a new game model with all integrated weapon poses, an innovative design and Xtreme’ly cool sound bank. NO!
In 3 words: Lame. Blender better.
Here’s what Ton had to say about the press release, on the FuBo mailing list.
Most important, learn to see through the marketing blahblah of such
press releases. I’ve been involved with making such texts before, so I
By default the companies try to mask their weak points, suggest a lot
more than actually is said, and exaggerate things enormously.Here a few examples from the press release:
“gameSpace provides everything needed for start to finish game content
creation.”-> You can make models and characters for games with with it.
“enabling them to very quickly create stunning, professional-level
graphics”-> Attracting mediocre artists… because now they can!
“The immersive first-person-perspective environment will be instantly
familiar to game players,”-> Truespace only has one 3d window.
“This is what the independent game developer’s community has been
waiting for"-> Caligari desperately seeks a new market.
And finally the obligatory quote:
“No one wants to trade off power for price,” said Roman Ormandy,
founder and president of Caligari. “You shouldn’t have to cobble
together a bunch of shareware products or fight your way through a
hard-to-learn interface."-> argh, Blender is taking away our marketshare!
yes pointless post but still it needs to be sceen that there is yet another competitor
Why would they lie and say it is such an innovative move when BlenderPublisher and Discreet’s GMax will both do all of that for free.
I started off with Truespace, and if their game engine is like the rest of their programs, you might as well call it TrueCrash, because that’s all it does …crash for your cash.