I will start my thread with a WIP of a Dredd Helmet. Comments/Crits/Helpful advice always welcomed. Thanks.
nice topology … keep going …
Here is an update. I am not too happy with the multi-resolution modifier. It is giving me issues when I go from sculpt mode to edit mode and have to re-apply the mirror modifier after moving verts. When I do this it adds additional thickness which I don’t want. I originally applied a thickness modifier before I started sculpting but I don’t know why its adding more everytime. I am going to make a Karl Urban mouth from the visor down. Then play with the materials in the node editor.
Also I noticed this. My edit mode mesh looks way different then the sculpted one. I did the Apply Base but it still looks weird.
Last post for a bit. Started to work on Karl Urban (basic diffuse color for now). Still adjusting the helmet (red part needs work I know).
Here is a character I am working on for a 3D Jam over at Polycount. Topic is the game Dishonored. I have his clothing basemesh done which I will work on next. I plan to make a lowpoly in blender, UV map and bake my high poly onto it. The head basemesh was done in blender. Sculpting & detail in Zbrush.
Wow! That looks great! I’ve never played the game, so I don’t know the characters in Dishonored, but I can’t wait to see how this comes along!
Thank you James.
I imported the clothing I made in blender. Starting to sculpt. On a side note, I did my first little UV map. Starting to understand where to put seams. I plan to finish this high poly over the coming days, do a lowpoly in blender, uv map, and texture him.
Been working on the sliders sliding device some more. I finally went onto youtube and took a few screen shots of a video. I am going to UV map soon and texture in GIMP.
Did my first ever UV map and texture. Pretty happy I know I can do this now. Now I have to refine my skills in GIMP and make some awsome textures. The pics below are from my test.
Made some progress on the textures. First I redid the UV map because it was not looking right. I created a texture for the readout and the words for HRS MINS, etc… I am getting a little distortion on the readout but I will play with it once I have the other textures done. Any tips on how to limit stretching of textures?
I have each part UV mapped now. I’ve been using the UV test grid to see how things look and where I need most pixel density.
Excellent sculpt!
Hi TrueDeath,
You uv’s look to include quite a lot of stretching. The squares on the test grid should be…well square. Firstly, theres two methods for unwrapping, angle based (default) and conformal (in the tools palette when you unwrap). For non-organic shapes that have subsurf and holding loops conformal tends to work better than angle (for me at least). Secondly, you need more relief seams. Looking at the map you posted above, the front plate has the sides attached, and each corner is unbroken. Putting seams in those corners will help it to straighten out. I know the goal is to use as few seams as possible, but large changes in angles can cause problems. At each corner you have the three sides coming together to form a point (corner) that’s always going to cause distortion when flattened out.
Think of it this way, imagine you have three bits of paper. Tape 2 together at right angles, then tape the last to the first two filling one side, creating the corner of a box. Now try and flatten that out, it’s not going to happen with distortion. But cut one of the taped sides and voila.
Hope I explained that clearly
Hello again.
I hope you don’t mind but I took the liberty of throw together an example:
In the first example I’ve started by unwrapping the shape like you did the first time. But I’ve cut the corners (relief cuts) as you can see the test grid doesn’t look too bad
BUT. It still has problems, it still has stretching, and it’s because the front facia is extruded out, yet again giving three planes that come to a corner. You can see the stretching in the grid on the side of the model right where the corner is. So, I hacked it up some more
And bingo! no more stretching (well not exactly true, get to that in a mo). The problem with mechanical objects, is that they often have sharp corners that intersect with three planes, and theres no way around this that I know of, without putting in relief cuts. Once you unwrap it without stretching, then you can start stitching UV’s in the UV window to give you a better layout. This is by no means optimised, I just did it quickly. So wheres there still stretching, well I didn’t cut out the circular indent, and if you look you’ll see it is still stretching there, but it’s minimal, so meh.
Anyway hope that helps.
Toodley oodley
Thank you for taking the time to explain. Your example is really helpful. I had moved some edges closer together making bigger faces for some in the Uvs to get more squares where text will go. Could that cause stretching too?Thank you again.
Also for stitching, once things are separate I stitch them back to where they originally were? Like above you cut the front plate out and it’s separate. I would stitch that back into where it fit like a puzzle? Thanks.