try at modeling a jet, harsh crits needed [update: interior]

after unsuccessfully dabbling in programming I now present you with my latest try at modelling. Give me any crit possible, please don’t as how I rendered it, and be harsh, I can handle it. (and will work quickly on updates)

so here is an hour of work:

the idea is that the army converted low altitude scouts with small weapons to heavy fast strikers by adding cannons and missile launchers.
renderer: blender, AO and one shadow only lamp at low energy. mat is no spec, all reflection, and white

needs joints and seams, particularly between the cockpit and the body. they look different materials, so just chuck raymir on the glass for now :wink:

i wouldnt be using AO either if you plan on doing updates every 10 mins or so…

i think the wings seem a bit bulky, too

  1. Learn how a wing is shaped, so it will actually fly
  2. A cockpit that spans the length of the plan is not functional nor practical
  3. Why is there a cannon coming out of a jet engine??
  4. I suppose it doesn’t need things like tailfins, flaps, etc. Those are for planes that want to turn and stuff?

I guess if you work on something for only an hour and ask for harsh crits, you shouldn’t get mad.

geez, you’re a right little ray of sunshine :o

i think you need a hug or something…


i’d agree with shbaz; asking the community for critics after only one hour of work and without a real plan is a bit … well.


its a nice start…loose the grainy tex in your next post, its hurting my eyes…


okay, more AO, fixed most stuff, added seams, still need ailerons or maybe canards. The “jet engine” is a cylinder filled with cooling fins for the power regulators for the cannon, it gets quite hot.

and shbaz:

  1. i do know, but am not a sucker for all that pressure difference junk, it is the angle of attack that makes it fly, and it is thinner now.
  2. have you looked at any jet fighters recently? notice a long thin canopy of glass? thats for 360 deg. viewing, I got pretty close. see
  3. explained above
  4. you got me, still working on that.
    thanks for the crits! keep them coming!
    edit: rendering fixed cockpit now

you wings dont work!
they look like dug wings!

i like the shape of the main body!
i would put the pilot at the end so he kida sits ontop of the plane!

the air cuts ontop of the wings are cool bu their lead to no where!
design what ever behind the cuts, like putting the engine inside the wings
and the cuts are for air support!

maybe put the engine below the wing so air gets sucked in from top.
build some decent turbine ends.

some futristic landing gear would be fine!

the weapon pods are to big

okay, the turbine in the wings has an outlet, you can’t see it, it is down thrusting for VTOL, but I will make it more visible. I like this new cockpit a little better, what do you think? Will make guns smaller and work on wings (probably bigger)

I liked the old version better.


blade: i think the cockpit is bigger and requires bigger wings to even it out.

here is a big rebuild of the wings (airfoil, verticies straightened, engine ducted, smoothed, tilted), guns and engines, and fixed headlights.

now with about 3 hours of work does anyone have any commments, and no, I am not mad shbaz. you were the best poster yet. with probably do the landing gear for tomorrow.

Goofy question… but what’s propelling this bad-boy? I see intakes and I know you mentioned VSTOL gear… are they there yet?

Also… vertical stabilizers tend to be an incredibly necessary part of aircraft design (however, I have seen some pretty sweet designs that had the vertical stabilizers on the underside of the plane, rather than the top… definitely looked cool).

The link you posted was from the Luftwaffe… not a futuristic jet. For 360 degree view the general method is to make a bubble cockpit, like this one:

Seriously, your jet looks like it seats four or something, and it doesn’t allow for 360 degree view because the immediate rear is still blocked.

  1. i do know, but am not a sucker for all that pressure difference junk, it is the angle of attack that makes it fly, and it is thinner now.

Hmm… my engineering school seems to be a sucker for all of that pressure difference junk, I’d think it might be rather important.

You probably didn’t need to make your wings wider, jets go so fast that it isn’t necessary. They’re more like manned rockets these days.

you wings are still dug wings! change the shape!!!

no enemy will take this plane serious :wink:


I think what is frustrating people is the intentions. Is it supposed to be a concept or prototype? For video games? A “space fighter?”

Some of these crits are interesting. Where was everyone during any of the Star Wars movies? Battlestar Galactica (old and new)? Star Trek?

George Lucas doesn’t give a flying crap about the aerodynamic perfection and feasibility of spaceship wings, he just wants it to look cool. Not being correctly based on engineering principles has not hurt any of the sci-fi franchises.

Aw, come on! You’d take it seriously if it fell on you! :wink:

nice progress :smiley:

stay tuned as by tonight i will have a revamped plane that will be much better.

Thats not entirely true. Ever seen the b2 stealth bomber? The have no vertical stablizer. what they have is on both wings they have a sort of airbrake do enduce drag on that side and simulate the effect but they have no vertical stabelizer. If this is in the future then I think it is a very possible design.