Trying to evolve in modeling but I feel staged

I’m trying to improve my modeling skills. I’m starting to model shoes for my training, but I’ve been trying to do it for 3 days (around 10 hours a day), I managed to make a model with basic shoe components, but I still don’t think I’ve progressed enough with the time I spent, no I don’t know if I’m in a hurry and should continue, but I feel frustrated so I wanted information on how to overcome this problem or a story about how you overcame it.

Hey there, ım sory to hear that you at the edge of quitting, modelling and everything in 3d can be hard sometimes, you just need to be calm, ı was like you, cried several times maybe. but ı find a way, when you make a modelling and feel uncomfortable, take abreak, dont think about it, do some walk , or something that will keep your brain away from it,. because it feels like a problem you cant solve and feels weak,. after being calm , think about it again . MAKE SEARCH about it, dont try to find america from zero. Lower your stress. some times another look after a time spent with differrent thing may help you to get solutions. be patient, there is too many things to learn. Sorry if ı talked like offansive. Try to be happy with making models, nut stressfull. You can do, just a little time and motivation thing

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Did you enjoy the process at all, even if only at the end when you saw you had a basic shoe? If you did, then I would say yes, continue. Modeling can frequently be frustrating, but I’ve usually found the end results to be worth it. A basic shoe is better than I managed to do my first time trying to model footwear.

It’s not a problem I overcame, so much as decided to keep going in spite of it.


With little or no (?) modeling experience, expecting significant progress in just 3 days seems unrealistic. Especially if you’re trying to force things through 10 hours a day.
If you’re not sure where you’re going, start by posting images/files of what you’ve done so far to get specific advice.


Welcome :tada:

If this is “inspired” by drawing/sculpting 100 face in 3 days… then ignore this. It might be a nice ide to “challenge” oneselfby doing a certain number of version on one specific subject and also making not too long breaks between them, but they are nothing else then practice.

Doing this 100 versions of one subject for 100 subjects might be a better idea. And yes this make 10.000 peaces of practice. Some course or personal tecnhic research inbetween may also help… and yes we are speaking of month of work.

Improvement comes not from one object/ mini project to another, it comes over several (by far more then 10) different projects.

Also: doing anything (expect breathing) longer than 10 hours a day… is no fun… and you need fun (and love).



Hello and welcome !

Frustrations and improving much slower that we would expect is basically what every artists face when they learn. Learning something can be very frustrating and we have to learn to overcome that by appreciate the smallest step we can make.

Of course we are all tempted by easy and short path, especially nowadays with internet filled with video like “how I learned … in 100 hours”, “fix this in 10 days”, “do this for 5mn a day and become perfect …” and so on…

The truth is that any art skill, like music, dancing, drawing, CG, sculpting, sports, is a never ending story, and while you can get some basics relatively quickly, it can take years to be considered really good, and even after decades of practice there is still things to learn, explore or to improve.

If you can learn something in 100 hours that’s fine ! But it’s likely that you’ll eventually quit for something else and that knowledge won’t teach you a lot about yourself.
In the meantime, if you struggle learning something, don’t give up, become better and better month after mouths your determination will gets stronger and stronger as you’re basically learning to learn.
At some point you’ll get rewarded with two great things, first you’ll value much better what was harder to get and you’ll enjoy even more doing it well.
Secondly, since you now understand the path it takes to get to this kind of goal, you can apply the same determination to something else, and it will be easier to overcome difficulties in your own life since you have already learned to deal with frustration and not to give up !

The good thing with art stuff is that it will teach us some stuff about ourselves and this goes beyond the simple practice as you’ll find similar things in everyday’s life.
Finally once we manage to learn more about ourselves it became a small bridge to get a better understanding of others and therefore better connect with our surroundings which is even more important than any practice in the end !


very well said


I haven’t heard the obvious: modeling shoes is hard. Shoes have soft (leather, canvas, mesh) and hard (eyelets, toe boxes, heels) shapes, multiple kinds of textures. The good models I have seen of shoes are impressive and advanced works of modeling.

All I’m saying is that you have found a good modeling challenge that, when you finally accomplish it, will make you feel like you have truly mastered something. Nobody shows off their model of a box.

Frustration is part of the process.