I’m trying to make this so that it’s like spokes that go around the entire circle so I can edit one and all of them change at once.
I tried using an array modifier and using an empty as an object offset and turning it to how I want like blender cookie did in one of his tutorials. I have a mirror modifier on but I did it even when off
I also have tried following the tutorial on Blender Cookie. Dont have any real problems, except that I cannot get my circular array to pivot around the point that I want. Setting 2 on the fixed count, what happens is the newly created duplicate jumps onto the Empty object that I have set as the offset object. Any pointers? I will check out CTRL + A.
It sounds like you may need to offset the object from its origin. I’m at work, with no Blender, but try the following:
After using Ctrl+A to make sure rotation & scale are cleared, deselect constant & relative offset in the Array modifier. Place the empty at the origin of your object (I’d use the Shift+S shortcuts), then tab into edit mode for the object you want to array. Select everything and move it out away from the origin. Back in Object mode, select the empty and rotate it - this should make the array move around the circle .
Ya, the trick is object center of spoke need to be sitting right at the center of the hub of the wheel. And Empty too must sit right on that same center point.