Trying to make asset symmetrical causes clipping on one side

I’m trying to modify a game asset, specifically a bikini bottom for a character. I made edits to the left half of it, then used Mesh > Symmetrize to make the right side equal. Visually it looks perfect, but in game the right side clips all over the place but the left side is fine. I’ve been trying to figure out how I can fix that without redoing everything but I haven’t been able to. FWIW, this is my first project whatsoever with Blender so I’m sure I didn’t do something correctly, but I’d like to learn what didn’t go right.

View plus modifier panel

Clipping in game

You tried recalculating your normals, removing doubles, and checking your weights? Those can all cause problems.

Also, I don’t see anywhere if you put the armature in before or after symatrizing, but if you did it before, and didn’t reweight, that can cause issues.
Before Symatrizing:

After Symatrizing (right side verts assigned to left side bones):

My suggestion for fixing it (assuming you’re having the problem I demonstrated) would be:

1: delete the right half

2: put on a mirror modifier ABOVE the armature modifier, and wiggle a few bones around to check the clipping issue is fixed or not.

3: Apply the mirror modifier, remove any doubles. The weights should be correct now. In the example, the right arm bones now control the right arm.

Thanks for the suggestions! I went through and followed your guide and after deleting the right side (selecting in edit mode, delete > vertices), mirroring from the left side and applying, the model in game now just shows a faint outline of the object and nude skin underneath. In Blender the object looks as it should though. I’d attach my file here but I’m not allowed to as a new user…

The armature is part of the entire character object and was part of this clothing object before I did anything.

This is the entire model from the game before any edits, if it helps.

You can’t attach it directly, but if you load it to a file sharing site, you’ll be able to share the link. If you want to do that I’ll check it out.

I don’t know how much help that’ll be, since I don’t have a game engine to check it in, but I can see if I can figure out what the issue might be on blender’s end.

Thanks so much!

Dropbox for files.

c_cw_x_chitose.gmd is my initial edit with the clipping issue on the right side, the Original-… file is the games unmodified file.

You’ll need the GMD filetype import add on for Blender for this games file types.

Does this do anything for you? All the changes I made are in the collection labeled Test.

If it does, and you want to do it yourself, these are the steps I took:

Made the object and its data a single user (it came in linked to the original for some reason)

Deleted half the underwear

Cleaned up the centerline so it was straight and in the center of the model (selected all the verts on the line, scaled them to 0 on the X axis, moved it to the center line by turned on snaping, absolute grid snap and dragging it over)

Applied the mirror modifier

removed doubles (there were 10)

Applied scale and recalculated the normals to be sure they were facing out (they appeared to be, but it never hurts to double check.)

copied the weights from the original (unmirrored) underwear.

(My trick for mirroring that I first recommended didn’t work with the weights because your rig didn’t have the .L, .R bone naming scheme I’m so used to using I didn’t think to ask. Sorry 'bout that)

Hmm. So the “Test” model you have here says it’s opening in Animation Mode. When I try to export it as a .gmd file for testing in my game, it errors out saying:

[YKGMD] [RECOV] File was imported in animation mode, export will likely go wrong.
Disable Strict Export if you really know what you’re doing.

I did disable strict export just to play around

[YKGMD] [INFO ] Selected armature c_cw_x_chitose_swim_armature.002
[YKGMD] [INFO ] Taking flags from previously imported file root
Bones under root didn’t match between the file and the Blender object. Missing set(), and found unexpected names {‘[l0]tobj01_swim_defolt1’, ‘[l0]t01_tops_string_1_l0’, ‘[l0]new01’, ‘[l0]naild6’, ‘[l0]string_mg_l7’, ‘[l0]ring1’, ‘[l0]t01_string_tops_03’, ‘[l0]a08’, ‘[l0]body_chitose_high_new2’, ‘[l0]btms_string_2_l5’, ‘[l0]t01_tops_string_2_l0’, ‘[l0]naild5_dup1’, ‘[l0]new02’, ‘[l0]b01_bikini_btms_01’, ‘[l0]bracelet1’}

Alright. There were quite a few options for importing. I picked animation. :person_shrugging:

I’ll redo it real quick in the other rigged option.

Thanks much. This is how I’ve been importing them:

Import option

And exporting:
Export option

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Same steps as before, just with the “for modeling” import :slight_smile:

Cool, so that all works as expected, though appears as the default/unmodified swimsuit I was trying to edit and not the cut that I’ve been working on.

If I make the ‘Mirrored’ collection active and export into my game, the clipping is still present, not sure if you did anything with that part or not.

That’s weird. I definitely mirrored it.

The pinkish mesh is the original, overlayed on the one I modified.

I didn’t. But if you copy the weights from the original to that mirrored one if it’s working for you, it should fix the clipping. Unless we’re using different meanings of “clipping.” It’s going through the body mesh?

1: Select the original unmodified mesh.
2: Shift select the mirrored mesh.
3: Go into weight paint mode.
4: Weights: Transfer Weights:

5: Select “By Name” in source layers

*I accidentally used the Test underwear in my screenshots until the last one. The steps are the same, just use your mirrored version.

Yes! Selecting the original and then transferring weights looks to have solved this. Thank you so much for working through this with me, I really appreciate it!

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You’re welcome :grin: