I’m using Blender 2.49b and learning Blender from the book " Introducing Character Animation With Blender" by Tony Mullens.
I am stuck modelling a head.
I have placed a side photo in one window and front facing photo in the other window so i can model in two dimensions.
I am using a mirror modifier so I only have to work on one side.
I started with a mirrored plane and extruded it in the side view along the profile of the face.
To create the area around the lips the book says:
“In the front view outline create the lips by extruding single verts out for the centerline’s upper lip vert”
I have tried to this but when I try to extrude the center upper lip vert I can only extrude it up and down in the z direction. I presume this is because of the mirror modifier.
I am attaching a image that shows what I have done so far.
Please help!!! :yes: