Trying to sculpt a head

Forgive me, I’m a newbie to blender. I have done several of the tutorials on Wikipedia and I decided to try and model a head and animate the mouth to synch with some audio. I have done it once already but I used a really bad model I did. This model I am working on is probably not the “right way” to do it but I am a newbie:o . I kept having problems modeling a nose that looked good so I did it seperately and then created the head seperately. I was hopeing there was a way to merge the two into one mesh but I cant get it to work right. The other issue I have been having is creating a normal looking mouth. I have tried all kinds of things but It never looks like he has full lips. Short of starting over is there anything I can do? Thank you all in advance for any help. By he way I included a rendered shot and a screen shot to show what I’m working with (don’t laugh:o ).


here is a link to a great face modeling video tute (it’s 80 odd meg)

edge loops are the key to a good mouth - explained in vid

with your mesh, does it matter if your nose is seperate?
you can join them by shift selecting both meshes then “ctrl J”

if you want the to be one smooth mesh you can make sure they intersect then use a booleen. This requires you to clean up all the mish mashed vertices (easier to build it as one mesh with edge loops)

good luck with it and don’t give up

I usually select the faces where the mouth will take place (a bit more usually) then i delete these faces and I extrude the edge border so as to shape the mouth.

Thank you guys for the help! the tips are very helpful and that tutorial is great (i saved it for reference). Thanks again!!!

Hey guys just wanted to say thanks again and show what I have done after follwing that tutorial. These are my first attempt but I really think it turned out ok:eyebrowlift: . What do you think?


Cool so far!!
I found out the hard way from trying my first head that paying attention to face loops was important for animation, so keep it in mind when you start digging into making shape keys and rigging. For a first head, you’ve done a great job so far.
As for tips, remember to save often and “save as” different numbers of the same project like job_001,job_002,etc. so you can start over from a previous level if you lose your handle on the file you’re on.

Keep it up!!!:slight_smile: