trying to switch to 2.5

it feels like when microsoft switched from 2003 to 2007 and everyone was like WHAT HOW DO YOU MAKE AN OUTLINE WHERE ARE MY BUTTONS HOW DO I DOUBLE SPACE.

ok to be honest i do like some of the dings and whistles (like the new color selection that was dumbed down and easier) but everything else seems more complicated, i opened one of my animation files and i was like WOAH I LOOK PROFESSIONAL BEYOND BELIEF. but i also can’t find any of my buttons :*( ok, i can probably get used to hidden buttons, but i’m a big fan of subsurf modeling and there is one major thing missing:

WHERE IS SHIFT-E IN EDIT MODE!!! D: iwantiwantiwant :spin: sad i reeeeely hope it gets implemented because blender is already in beta and it doesnt have the basic shift-e whatever it did, and i honestly use it all the time, ireely dont want to have to stick with “proportional editing” or whatever its called. does anyone know if there is some kind of something missing like if shift-e was replaced??? help would be appreciated so much :smiley: or i guess ill just have to stick to 2.49 until final 2.5 comes out :eek:

What did this Shift+e function do?

If it’s something not too mayor it can probably be hotkeyed pretty easily.

It’s there, bojo. Press the N key to bring up the side menu… it’s called crease. Select the edges in edit mode and adjust the slider. Does the same thing as shift-e.

Welcome to Blender 2.5 :slight_smile:


Also make sure you have a most recent Build from Graphicall. Shift E is working as a hot key in 2.5 just as it was in 2.49. Also if you use the space bar you can enter a search. A search for Crease gives you the shortcut Shift E.

OMG thank u very much Richard Culver and Animwannab, i have three more questions now that i’ve played with blender a bit more :smiley:
1: do you know where you can assign the hotkeys for the stuff
2: I know theres some hidden button that has a mesh facing your local 3d viewport viewpoint when you add one instead of the global facing upward position, do you know where that button is
3: i had one more but i forgot it :frowning: oh well

help is gr8tly appreciated :smiley:

When you create a new mesh, look to the panel on your left. Under “Create (Sphere, Plane etc)” you find the inputs to check for it to align to view and change size and other things. New here is doing this in real time with feedback.

Hot keys are in the User Preferences panel. Change a window to this type and then look under “Input”.

ah i think i just found a bunch of usefull stuff in the user preferences, thanks very much!!!