Hello, I am here to finnaly understand 3 geometry nodes,which are :Vector Rotate,Rotate Vector (What’s the difference between them),and Rotate Euler.The snag is about me,who wanna understand why does Subdivided or High-Poly Mesh Deforms with that way , and Euler needs the same.I tried to find info but even about Vector Rotate Youtube has not guides which are able to.
Note: It deforms when I connect Position Node to the angle and Vector Both,and something about that was used to create Curves Bend like hair or tentacles, in Virus.
The Vector Rotate node has some more options and so might need some more computer power since it checks all this while the simpler Rotate Vector does not and so might be faster if you do not need the options…
And in the docu about Euler Rotate node ther is also an link to an explanation about the term: Euler…
…it’s all about math and the abbr. and tricks and possible problems and solution mathematics do bring with it…
And yes… i also have to lookup things from time to time (what was that again… ?)
I have read the docs , but of course it simple if it rotates each point that has different location and making it twist.But if the Position Vector is pluged to the Angle Value,you know I can not understand how does it work with vector value while it is float,maybe it is just a sum of each vector parameter? (x+y+z)?and about Euler I know that easy but better will be to someone give me short explanation
Well… there is a vector as “input” to be modified… using some angle (float) along a specific axis ( ← maybe defined by another vector ) rotating this input according to the center (also maybe defined by another vector)…
Yeah…Are you talking about Rotate Euler cuz in Vector Rotate I’ve asked about standart Axis mode.For short I did not realize only what outputs Position Node, which is Vector Value-into Angle socket which is float value.And you may describe it how you can,cause I’ll be understanding it patiently