Tuhopuu and Python

Hi all.

Could some one please give me the briefest explanation as to what Tuhopuu and Python are? I hear them mentioned a bit in the forums and have done a bit of a search but still came up wanting. Also, I hear people talk about plug-ins for blender. What are some of the more popular plug-ins?

Tuhopuu is the developmental tree for blender. New features and fixes are usually coded there first and then if ready are moved to the Blender Foundation official release tree.

Python is a scripting language, similar to perl, php and others but Blender has a python api which allows one to code python scripts to manipulate data within blender. An example would be to automate some sort of animation or even to write an export script such as Yable to export to an external renderer or to export to a completely different program.

Thank you!

Plugins are external modules (dll in windows, so in linux) that provide new textures and sequence effects that you couldn’t do without them.

There’s a (reasonably complete) list of availiable plugins at