tuhopuu featurelist?

Anyone know where this file has gone? http://projects.blender.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/blender/featurelist.txt?cvsroot=tuhopuu just gives me a 404.


Yup, try this for tuhopuu1:

this for the newly re-born tuhopuu2:

which tuhopuu tree has green’s renderer options such as choosing which renderer to use like 3delight or and of the other renderman renderers?

blender.org seems to be down at the moment.

Thanks. Now I just hope blender.org gets back up soon.
Has anybody made a downloadable windows build of tuhopuu2 yet?

Here’s a windows tuhopuu2 from a few days ago:
(copy gnu_gettext.dll and SDL.dll from your Blender 2.28 folder)

Green’s renderman stuff is still only in tuhopuu1.