Yes Yes I know that this is a python board . But this is also where all of the coder buys and girls hang. Sooo…
Can you help me and Antihc3 ?
We are trying to build Tuhopuu2 for OSX ( it has Unix under pinnings so any unix knowledge can help.)
does anybody know or have this file FTGLPixmapFont.h In eaither Tuhopuu or BF
I am getting this as my error
^v^ please and thankyou
August 19, 2003, 6:28pm
FTGLPixmapFont.h is part of the FTGL package which you will have to download and install first.
I’ll post a link when I get home if you haven’t found it by then.
August 19, 2003, 7:16pm
You don’t have to instal it, it comes in the external lib folder. Tuhopuu doesn’t have this folder however, you have to take it from the bf-blender cvs.
But blender is down Waaaa…
Can you give me a link please. Or better yet . Post a tar ball of the lib folder ? ^v^ pleaseeeey please…
August 19, 2003, 7:33pm
just extract it in your tuhopuu directory (where your tuhopuu2 folder is)
ok next part. Thankyou again Theeth , That did the Pixmap trick.
Now , I get this . Any clue ? I see that it is a Lib_freetype something. But I do not have that file at all.
hey, please help…
I am searching on google for libfreetype.a and it just gives some really old messages from 2000, and one blender message…
What program installs this file. I installed Freetype2 but that did not help this new problem.
Why is this so difficult to compile. Tuhopuu1 was so simple. And much quicker.
Hello again. I finaly have went past the last bug report. But now I have yet another …
Please please please help. I really want to get Tuhopuu2 working so I may share it’s many splinders with the few OSX heads out their .
/Users/joiceannhall/Marshmallow/tuhopuu/tuhopuu2/obj/darwin-6.4-powerpc/blender/deflate/libdeflate.a /Users/joiceannhall/Marshmallow/tuhopuu/tuhopuu2/obj/darwin-6.4-powerpc/blender/writeblenfile/libwriteblenfile.a /Users/joiceannhall/Marshmallow/tuhopuu/tuhopuu2/obj/darwin-6.4-powerpc/blender/writestreamglue/libwritestreamglue.a /Users/joiceannhall/Marshmallow/tuhopuu/tuhopuu2/obj/darwin-6.4-powerpc/blender/readstreamglue/libreadstreamglue.a /Users/joiceannhall/Marshmallow/tuhopuu/tuhopuu2/obj/darwin-6.4-powerpc/blender/src/libsrcpublisher.a /sw/lib/python2.2/config/libpython2.2.a -lGLU -lGL -lz -framework Carbon -framework AGL -framework QuickTime -L/usr/local/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL
ld: Undefined symbols:
make[1]: *** [/Users/joiceannhall/Marshmallow/tuhopuu/tuhopuu2/obj/darwin-6.4-powerpc/bin/blender] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 1
[Joiceann-Halls-Computer:~/Marshmallow/tuhopuu/tuhopuu2] joiceannhall%