Tuhopuu splash contest!

Could you be the next artist to be immortalized on the tuhopuu2
splash screen?

Our wonderful tuhopuu2 splash is about to reach it’s 6 month birthday
so we thought it might be time for an update. Tuhopuu has a long
and rich heritage of high quality splash screens:

http://bebop.cns.ualberta.ca/~cwant/tuhopuu-splashes/tuhopuu0.jpg (???)
http://bebop.cns.ualberta.ca/~cwant/tuhopuu-splashes/tuhopuu1.jpg (Lyubomir)
http://bebop.cns.ualberta.ca/~cwant/tuhopuu-splashes/tuhopuu2-0001.jpg (NateTG)

(‘tuhopuu’ which seems like a less harsh sounding name than our
old name ‘The Evil Tree’, means ‘Tree of Destruction’ in Finnish)

Anyways, if you are interested in trying a design for tuhopuu2,
please feel free to post designs here, or e-mail them to our
developers mailing list:

tuhopuu-devel at blender dot org (at=@, dot=.)

500x270 pixel size is a good guideline.

Lets go for a 2 week deadline, so Monday, March 8 at 6 P.M. CET
(that nederland-ish timezone). Voting will happen amongst the
developers on the mailing list.


Hey Hos!

that’s great, now every artist can help out promoting the “Frankenstein” of Blender :smiley:

maybe even me :wink: , I have never been in a contest, maybe it is time ? :expressionless:

here’s another one, just for the kicks :smiley: added 3.03.
Blender and little touch of PSP7


This might cause lack of sleep or other symphtoms among more easily offended people, but what the heck. My suggestion. :smiley:


Made with wacom + PainterClassic

:o nice one hippie!

*Nate cheers on all the artists. C’mon guys. I won last time and mine wasnt even that good. EVERYone has a chance!.. Don’t let hippie scare you away! :wink:

this sounds fun! :smiley:
i made a CVS splash for Jesterking, so i really like making splashes.

one question, does it have to have the evil tree? i assume so, just wondering tho.

Funny I always thought “tuhopuu” stand for this kind of milkless Soya-made cheese (probably written tofu), well I prefer the finnish evil tree, and maybe I will give it a try…


it doesn’t say “evil tree”…if you read correct it IS “tree of destruction”


i defenitely have to try this out. Change the concept so, I’l try something else than a tree…

oh well…

seems like i feel like i’ll be joining this :wink:


I don’t think it needs to be an evil tree, as long as
it’s of high quality, and captures the spirit of the
project well. (I do think that an evil tree is more
likely to win though.)


sounds good,…i’ll take a shot at it

Hi, I’m new to this site. I’m 17, I like Blender, I’m a programmer and I’ve been activly following the development of Blender since NaN shut down. Just so you know who I am.

Well, here’s my idea for a banner. It’s far from finished, but before I spend hours finishing it I want to know edit if it will disturb people too much.

edit insert Note that conversion to JPEG blured it somewhat. The origional is much sharper./edit

edit Second version*/edit*

Heres a link if you can’t see it: http://www.freewebs.com/joeedh


Have you submitted that in past contests? I seem to remember it. . .although if you did, I wonder why didn’t you win!


Well, here’s my entry (first thing I’ve blended in over a year):



Have you submitted that in past contests? I seem to remember it. . .although if you did, I wonder why didn’t you win!


Nope, first time for this baby to get a spin on the forums. I made it the same day this contest was anounced.

And thank you from the compliment. :smiley:

Here is the start I got today, it’s not finished yet, but do you like the idea?


This is a dumb question I should have asked ages ago… Whats the difference between BF blender and Tohupuu??
How can I download either one? are they different branches of current development in Blender and as such have different features (like two versions of a software fork)?
If they’re different brances then does that mean that they both merge into the Blender Official Releases and if so how?

And whats CVS Blender?

  • emk

Tuhopuu is the development branch used to test out new features, algorithms, whatever, without fear of breaking the main tree.

The bf-blender tree is pretty much the official releases (I think). Tuhopuu, however, is not “offically” released anywhere, although you can download binaries at the Blender.org’s Testing Builds forum.

Yes, they do merge edit somewhat at Offical Release Time. I’m not sure how exactly, probably has to do with CVS. (I’m not sure how much–I remember that a lot of the experimental GUI stuff never made it to bf-blender (at least not in its original form)).

CVS stands for Concurrent Versions System. Its purpose is to essentially provide an unto for source code changes, and also to provide a development history. I’m not sure how it exactly works, but essentially everytime someone uploads updated code to the CVS “respository”, the origional file is not replaced, so if something gets messed up, the code can be reverted to a previous state.

Blender CVS merely refers to the up-to-date Blender code either in the Blender.org Tuhopuu or bf-blender CVS respositories. If you wish to download and compile Tuhopuu, go to http://projects.blender.org/cvsx/?group_id=11 and follow the instructions. Note that the Daily Checkouts of the CVS havn’t happened for months, anything you download from there is really, really old. You’ll have to use the CVS program itself.


As new experimental features are debugged in Tuhopuu, The bf coders team led by Ton decided which features are ready for ‘prime time’ in bf (during weekly meetings). Then those features are given a final cleanup and are ported from tuhopuu to bf. Case in point: I wanted to add a percentage cut to the loopcut tool. I played with it in tuhopuu until I got it working. Then sent my changes to the tuhopuu-devel list. I was referred to the loopcut tool’s original coder (Goofster) who helped get it committed to the tuhopuu source. I came up with some more ideas and since I had shown that I could do some good stuff, (and instead of bugging people to add my changes) I was given commit access to tuhopuu (which means I could upload my own changes). Later, it was decided that the loopcut % patch was a good enough feature to be added to bf, that one of the bf coders (again Goofster) took the code and polished it up and added it to the bf tree. I suppose the same cycle holds true for moving from a tuhopuu committer to a bf committer. Once you are deemed worthy, you will be knighted and moved to that higher level of existance…a bf coder! :slight_smile:

just a note.
all the pics up to now show wild agressive trees.
OK, the name suggests this, but tuhopuu tree is a well loved and cared little plant (well me i love it and i care for, let it grow ) which can get accidentially out of shape. may be someone would like to make it look more likeable ?
