I’ve searched the forums and haven’t had much luck.
I’ve got a slightly older version of tuhopuu2 (2.28a fork I think), regardless from my understanding I should have the knife tools, plus loop select/etc.
However, I just can’t seem to get them to work, perhaps I’m missing something silly, as my frustration level is rising
Here’s the main problem, I select four verts to get a face, then press k, move the mouse while holding down the LMB, then hit k again. Nothing, except of course now I can move the face all over.
Even tried it holding down the k key the whole time, no different. Also attempted a k, LMB, return, nothing either.
It’s odd, I get no reaction from tuhopuu with the k key, not even a hint of recognition I’m even entering a command. The outcome is the same whether I select a whole face (4 verts) or a single vert, etc.
So, what are your thoughts folks? Perhaps I should do a new CVS pull and build?
I can’t believe it’s my linux build of tuhopuu, but I’m willing to try most any suggestion.
select your face. press the k key. left click to start the cutting line. left click again to draw the next or final segment of your cutting line (when I use this tool I tend to click every time I cross over an edge). press the return key. select intersect for the tool to cut exactly where you cut the polys or 50% to have the tool cut in the middle of all of the edges.
yeah, select the four or however many verts that make up the faces. it sounds like you need to build the newest version. i’ve never built Blender from source but i am thinking about doing so for linux at home. let me know how it goes!
yep it’s been there for awhile. I noticed it is a little more accessible as well as vertex paint and texture paint. face select is for UV mapping pretty much, but can be used with vertex and texture paint. To use texture paint you have to load an image in the UV editor
No, but you may want to locate it before you cut it. I was just working on a head model, and the mouse location is very sensitive. I cut the wrong loop…
I had stated the same thing a few posts back. However, I do think a prompt would be nice (or selecting the loop before cutting it)…to avoid accidents. The mouse position is very sensitive and things can get tricky with a well looped model.