Tuorial: Blender Animations into JME3

I have posted a tutorial https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B9hhZie2D-fEYmRkMTYwN2YtMzQ0My00NTM4LThhOTYtZTk1MTRlYTNjYTc3&hl=en

The tutorial covers simple mesh creation, adding materials, textures, texture painting, armature creation, tying mesh to the armature using vertex groups, animation, exporting all to Ogre, converting to j3o, importing to Jme3. The Jme3 class includes turning off the initial splash screen window in favor of a set size window, turning off default camera and w,a,s,d keys, a simple debug method to write to the play screen.

Hope it is useful, it was for me.