Turkey and Robert....2 punks on a mission...

…But don’t ask me what mission, 'cause I have no idea.
I’ve been designing a lot of cartoony characters since I started blending, but these are the only 2 I’ve finished. Ironically, I made both in just a few days.
To be honest, I used the Makehuman model as a base, then edited it until it fit the style.

The models have a lot of detail that can’t be noticed in this pic, but I’ll see when I can post a version with white lighting and more lamps, so the details can be properly seen.


Looks good. Very original style wise. If you can’t think of a plot, just pick one of the standards, such as ‘guy gets lost and is trying to get home’, ‘guy wants girl but girl has tough boyfriend’, ‘guy gets mistaken for someone else and gets chased by bad guys’, ‘guy by some twist of fate, is the only one that can save the world from sure destruction’. Many standards to choose from.

The one on the left reminds me of Vincent Vega (John Travolta) in Pulp Fiction :slight_smile:

Nice style though!


This picture uses normal lightning. However, the picture’s small, since I’m using it as a banner.