Hey i want to set up these ‘dash panels’ so when my hedgehog runs on them, he will be launched in the direction they are facing. I know how to make him run fast when he walks on it but how do i make him go the way its facing? thanks!
Under sonic put: Collision with whatever property the dash panel has–>and–>force on some axis=whatever
Make sure the “L” isn’t selected.
Make a script that when you collide the panel:
get the panel orientation and set the orientation to the player
then active the motion actuator
Just setup python like this
if collisionwithobject.isPositive():
something like that should work.
lol, speedpanels. well you can use the function i made, alignAxisToVect() that is available in the svn builds.
you have to get a vector that points to the direction (the y axis of the orientation matrix of the dash panel should go fine), then align the y axis of the character to that vector, and apply a good impulse. simple ah?
the syntax of that function is alignAxisToVect(vector, axis) axis can be 0 for x, 1 for y or 2 for z, it makes the selected axis of the orientation matrix point the provided vector
(i’m too lazy, i will not make the script for you)
Ps: you can get the y axis of the orientation matrix this way
y_ori = [own.orientation[0][1],own.orientation[1][1],own.orientation[2][1]]
ps2: yes, i want you to make the script, i gave you all the clues you need