Turn on - render Statistics during viewport rendering?

in blender 2.79 we have such line with “normal” statistics about rendering.(this question about rendering in viewport)

now (in “new versions”) we have only “sampling count”.

How to bring back “normal” statistic about rendering in viewport as on screenshot?


It is here:

Edit → Preferences → Interface

i tried “this” but you can compare yourself with 2.79 - there in “new version” not show “remaining time” and “for me” in my reference scene - where 2.79 during rendering time on GPU show that “used N amount of GPU vram”

But in blender 3.6 - statistics not show any diference beetwen rendering and “not rendering” - counter not indicate diference in vram consumption - and because on all that - this statistics in “new versions” which is shown at the bottom of the window - works very strangely(for me).
I would like “the kind of statistics” that in 2.79 - when you can see the “state changes” beetwen diferent “states”…

I didn’t face myself with 2.79 so can assume that maybe since Blender 3.0 statistics has changed a bit.

And you are using Cycles ??? (because in EEVEE there is non… AFAIK)