
I’m still learning this is one of my first renders ever


Here is the .blend I would like to see how others might improve this model

good for a first render.

Made some small changes trying to make a nice wall-paper for ubuntu studio

Again I have included a link above to the blend file feel free to use it in your own projects of modify it but please post your changes. here so I can see

is the outside of the rotating bit spost to have flat faces? all th record players ive seen are perficiualy smooth round the rim, exept for that it looks good:)

yea i was gonna say the same but it seems like u know how to make it smooth so it must be on purpose - and yea it doesn’t look bad, just to us it looks accidental. :wink:

Thanks for the feedback took your advice of making the turntable smooth here is the finished result http://brianlightfoot.googlepages.com/Turntable1.jpg/Turntable1-large.jpg

ok cool now just select the edge around the top and Shift-E (to crease the edge). make sure u only select the edge (and not the vertex in the middle) - Alt-LeftClick to select an “edgeloop”. that’s in quotes cuz its technically not an edgeloop necessarily but whatev.

hopefully that’s not confusing, if it is just holler. and thas nice the lines on the egde give a great metallic effect.

I’m already using my current render as a desktop background :slight_smile:

haha go xgl

Still working on this thing here is a new render with an led light made up of a halo or glint and a spot light.

This might be a bit to busy for a wall paper

Yeah it’s great for people that have ADD true multitaskers :slight_smile:


Here is a new render with a slip mat with the Ubuntu studio logo the only thing that is really bugging me about this model is that I dont like the way the turntable arm looks and my turntable cartrage is to small and not realistic looking I plan on remaking those parts