Turtle in progress

http://www.coolegasten.com/loggerheadwip.jpg [/img]

this is a new little project I’m working on.

I got inspired by the shark I made last weekend… :slight_smile:

wow! very nice shell texture, and nice skin texture, but the two dont match very well.

perhaps make the segments slightly less uniform as well?

will be watching this one, how about some different angles?

sweet turtle man! I love the ocean blue opaque feel… like the turtle is half real half illusion…

The shell and head texture look great… it just needs some ‘depth’… it looks too flat on the skin at the moment… so another view would be nice to check this monstA out properly!!

keep it coming :slight_smile:

Beautiful! Doesn´t look real, but has a TRON-ish look, which I like a lot.

thanx everybody :stuck_out_tongue:
I oposted this in the finneshed works section because only the brown parts are properly uuv mapped yet.
The other parts have temporarely texture inspired by the yellie tut.

here’s the same turtle rom nother angle.
In this pic you can clearly see the wip status of this thing :slight_smile:


a blue turtle? havent seen those…hmmm…makes me think…do turtles live around tshernobyl? :stuck_out_tongue:

nice pic, are the plates fully modeled?

yup, the plates are fully moddelled, he’s blue cause those parts arten’t textured yet, and I kinda liked the blue material…:slight_smile:

great turtle man :wink:

:o See what happen when you dump toxic waste in the ocean. I see you have not followed CAPTAIN PLANET warning. :frowning:

I did, maybe that’s the chemical reaction of that nitro oxide catnium hyper rosuicide that I acendenlty lost while I was swimming. :-? Nice render I like the blue material. :stuck_out_tongue:

thanx people. :slight_smile:
I had totally forgotten about this turtle, hehe.
I’ll see if I can find the blend on my harddrive so that I can finally finish it.
I might even animate it, that was the main goal when I started this turtle.

nice job
the eye is a bit strange but i guess its the texture

Thanks :slight_smile:
Well the it’s not really finnished yet, The Eyes are a bit too deep in their sockets, and apart from the scales(?) it’s not really textured.
I used a funky blue material to cover all the parts that still need texturing.
Personally I like the contrast between the blue material and the textured parts.