PM sent.
Another cool link I forgot to include, (what a Dump I must be, I’m a partial author of it and still managed to forget it).
Not exactly a tutorial, but a on-going thread at CGtalk with a compilation of Blender’s Tips & Tricks that are very unkown to most people.
Cool things in Blender that aren’t so obvious, by Various Authors
I’m newbie at elysiun. Maybe my question is stupid, but I can’t find a tutorial about rendering/texturing a house/building.
I have created many house in ArchiCAD, AutoCAD now I would texturing my models but I don’t find a good tutorial about this problem.
I would obtain something similare to this images:
I’ve gone through the list below:
Thy in advance!
(and sorry for my bad english …
Humm… those pictures you presented are quite good, I’m afraid that Blender’s renderer isn’t capable of that kind of output without a masive amount of twiking… the kind of thing that a newbie whould/should avoid.
However, Yafray can produce those and even better results, and for using Yafray you would need to learn how to texture in blender, so either way you have to learn.
You may start reading and also for some good explanations of Blender Texturing capabilities.
I think most people started texturing with and then moved to more complex thing, like
Another great example of a well achieved texture is:
And speaking again about the images you submited, what make them outstanding aren’t the textures, it is the lighting that makes them great images.
If I know good, the name of the technic is Global Illumination. I have found a result (like in the picture above) with blender (and with an unknown renderer - DALI), here’s the URL:
And here is the demonstrate video:
So it’s possible in Blender …
Now i only have to find a good tutorial for it …
(The tutorials, that you have linked above, I will do it.)
Thx a million,
Sorry, I was assuming that you were a total newbei and thus wouldn’t like to get involved in things like GI (global Ilumination).
Honestly I never heard of the DALI renderer, I’ll research about it.
There is a Global Ilumination Renderer called VirtuaLight that can be downloaded for free an comes with a python script to convert blender files to the format used by VirtuaLight. Tthe script was updated to run with Blender 2.23/2.25, but making it run on more recent versions will be a litte problematic.
The software only comes for Windows. It used to cause some stir at the elysiun forums, but then Yafray came a people ran on-mass to the new renderer. As of today, I don’t know for sure if Yafray is capable of true GI (but I think it isn’t).
The main negative aspect of VirtuaLight is that it uses it’s own shader language (that is not renderman compatible), but the same is true about Yafray.
In other words, you will need to learn that language to be able to add textures and all the super cool things that VirtuaLight includes. However, the documentation included is EXCELLENT, and the software developer is very friendly and helpfull if you send him a polite e-mail.
Yafray will do HDRI which is an excellent GI system, maybe the best.
So will MLPov, a variant of POV-Ray in an excellent manner. None of what you shown is beyond it capabilities.
Both have excellent scripts Yable and Povanim repectively. Yafray is younger, much simpler and less powerful. POV-Ray is “the works” can do pretty much anything and is quite a lot to apprehend.
And were can I found a good tutorial about GI with yafray or povRay ?
(Mainly I will use under Debian Linux)
Index is the way to go. Have 10 categories and then break break each of those into ten and those into 10. The tree system works for me. Much easier than searching.
Trust me, you will be blown away after you see what we are preparing under the hood :o
Just wait and see.
I’have lost my URL for a tutorial(presentation of animation with potato from Toy Story)
Can anybody give the right URL for this tutorial?
I don’t remember having seen it…
Was it a Blender specific tutorial or a non-specific one (more likely…)
That one is on my personal ‘favorites’ list, here you have it:
maybe add GERMAN to psycho 3d tutes ?
Work is really advanced with the new tutorial list, we may go public in a few weeks
In the mean time we have set a temporary tutorial sudmission form at
If you have written a tutorial, python script or an article related to 3D please use the form, it will be greatly appreciated.
Tutorials doesn´t need to be Blender specific (actually, we have some Lightwave and Max3D tutorials listed because they can be used in Blender).
For the Python script, you can take the info from the Python List thread in the Python & Plugins forum.
We are very aware of that list, but if you see the form you will notice that we are aiming to collect a lot more data (for example, minimum and maximum usable Blender versions) than the one already present on the python script list.
By the way, for any question or feedback you (everyone) can also write to [email protected] and a staff member will answer you ASAP (Of course we keep monitoring this and the CGTalk thread as well).