Tutorial: Realistic Medium Poly Tree


Vegetation has always been a neglected topic when it comes to tutorials. So I have decided to give the community exactly what they have been asking for. This method makes a tree with a reasonable number of faces. (mine came out to 7,128) This allows for having multiple trees without your scene becoming too heavy. Another great thing about this method, is that you can use it in the blender game engine.

Check it out here

The tree looks awesome!

The tutorial seems cool too (only skimmed through it) but it would be nice to know WHY you do some things. For example I didn’t get why you exported an .obj!?

@BKing from the looks of it he put it through xnormals

good tutorials dude

My first impression: AWESOMEEEE!!!
Then, i’ve looked it again and i say to myself: AWESOMEEEE!!!
really. It looks great.

And thanks for the tutorial!

Thank you guys. I remember in the past struggling trying to make any sort of tree. Then after finding my method, I decided not to let others go through the same frustration.

stvndysn is right. I exported .obj because that’s what xNormal reads. Thanks for the crit. I’ll definitely go back and try to make a few things more clear!

Nice looking result, Ive been looking for a decent tree modeling tutorial for ages.