[tutorial] roller coaster

Well enough to keep you out of trouble anyway.

I’m a bit too tired for a long description.
It’s a monster : better have some real stamina of your own.

Comments ?

And oh yes : it’s here in English.

and there in French



Looks well laid out, but all the page links on the English page are broken (links to pages 1-8 and “NEXT PAGE”). All of these I believe are fine on the French page.

Seems fixed now.

Thanks for telling.


Looks like you have created the definitive Blender roller coaster tutorial.

It looks like you have put a lot of work into it. Thanks for the nice tutorial.

Hopefully, alot of people will take advantage of the opportunity to make some wicked roller coaster rides :wink:

Only critism I could think of (haven’t read through the whole thing yet) is that for those of us who print it out, to refer to later (along with all the accompanying files) is that when you say ‘use this blend file’; it might have been a good idea to also include the actual file/zip name to use. (As not all the files follow a ‘part number’ naming pattern) - Just an idea -no big deal.

Any ways, thanks again

Thanks. I contracted a sizeable debt of gratitude with many here and on the French forum.

You’re right about the naming strategy : I will modify it as soon as I have the time and let you know.



I received a report that with IE6+XP it was impossible to download the companion files from the tutorial, but only a ‘referer.htm’ file. I only tested with IE6 and Windows 2000 : I got the file if I clicked LMB on the link and the referer.htm if I clicked RMB > Save target…

Could anybody using the combination IE6+XP tell me if they can or cannot download the files ? It would be a great help.

Thanks. Jean

IE6 + XP works fine for me on getting the companion files. Your tutorials are a great benefit to explaining this whole subject of curves paths ect.
Well done for useful and needed tutorials.

Also I think you more recent tutorials should be added to the list under your name in the question and answer forum tutorial list. I made a suggestion there but thought I would mention it here too in case no one read the last post on that thread.

Hi Paradox.

Thanks for taking the trouble.

As for the list it’s obvious that it isn’t maintained since quite a long time. Don’t know why. I’ll ask but it must be simply because nobody wants to do it.



*ditto get’s the tut…

Excellent tutorial Jean.

You are getting quite a collection of tutorials at your site.

So where to now? (Which Blender mystery are you going to solve next) :slight_smile:

Hey Ditto,

glad you liked it.


I inherited of the tutorial list somehow : I have no clue how I’ll make it but I will. Nice people have offered to participate and that’s great. Mthoenes is working hard at the education part of blender3d.org. In the long run we should succeed to plug all gaps. I’m just waiting to have some news from Valarking since he already has started a list and I’m off to the races.

Thanks both
