Tutorial: Vertex Parenting (for "Distant Skies", 2D side-scroller cameras, etc.)

Well, after I answer a question enough times I generally feel that it would all be much easier if I would just write a tutorial so that I can just post a link in the future. This is one of those cases. I’ve written a tutorial on vertex parenting, complete with a .blend that I set up so y’all can work through a couple of examples yourself if you like. Find it here:

http://www.blendenzo.com/Images/Tuts/VertParMakeVertPar.jpg <— It’s a link, in case you didn’t figure that out…

Personally, I think the “Side-Scroller” example is worth it just to take a look at the tut. You decide for yourself if it’s a wannabe skate park or a pinball table without flippers…

Cool man!

My in box was getting worn out on the 2d subject.

I will be linking to this in the future too.

Blendenzo.com is defiantly the best blender site on the net for GE tutorials in my opinion :slight_smile:

BTW, can I link my students to your site?
It would save me a lot of time and money.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Very nice site, and tutorial :smiley:


Many thanks for your encouragement, p00f. I have a site traffic monitor, and I always know who the little dot over Hawaii is. :smiley:

I’d like to put together a complete “How to make a 2D game” thing some time. Do you mind if I use some of your stuff if I ever get around to it? (Cuz it’s darn good)

Edit: You’re more than welcome to link to my site (I’m not against deep-linking to specific pages, I just don’t like people hot-linking my images and whatnot, so don’t do that. I know you wouldn’t, I just say that a matter of policy, being a public forum board and all…)

It would be an honor!

that is the nicest thing anyone said to me all day/week :slight_smile:

I think I released them as Creative commons , so as soon as you want them you can just copy them over.
you are also welcome to add to, or cut out anything you want…

If you want me to add to them, i will , If it is within my ability :slight_smile:
Just say the word :slight_smile:

Hey Blendenzo, very cool!
Dawn! I just forget how to open GZ files inside windows… (your source file is .gz).

Bye and thankx a lot!

Thorgal, the source is just a compressed blend. I used the “Compress File” option from the File menu to make a smaller download. You should be able to open it directly from Blender. Mine doesn’t show the .gz extension on Win98SE, so I wonder why you’re seeing it…

yea, blender comes with Bzip or Gzip. I think blender can just open them like Belendenzo said. If I miss read your post, here is 2 other ways to uncompress them Here is Gzip http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gzip.htm here is a better one 7zip. http://www.7-zip.org/ 7zip will unzip that and the TAR and TAR.GZ as well (plus most other compressions too like ZIP, and ARJ) good luck :slight_smile:

I had no idea that this was possible. It’s like that it follows only the position and not the rotation.

Cool! thankS! with this i made a camera for the jetpack ragdoll demo.

Zuker12: Wow. I can’t believe I didn’t even think to use vertex parenting when I tried out your jetpack. I’m going to have to try it again now, because I did prefer to control it from the camera view.

Well now it has a vertex parented camera. It’s a bit cocky since it sometimes gets behind walls. It needs somekind of turning technique.

EDIT: OR then i could make a sidescroller version of it. So that one of the walls is invisible and it keeps the character in the area. And at same time you could observe the character from the side.

Thanks a ton Blendenzo! I’d use this technique, but I have another that seems to work quite well! I as well was unaware that you could vertex parent. It’s invaluable for manythings besides cameras.