Tutorial - Watermarking Movies for begginers

This will show you how to create a simple watermark on your movie file, so that people cannot steal your work.

First make sure you have your file: .AVI or .MOV
Encode it to an .AVI (MJPEG) using media encoder -

  • Open Blender:)
  • Go to textures,select IMAGE,
  • Highlight MOVIE, then LOAD image
  • Select your movie file (.AVI) and load
  • Go to the camera view and select VIEW -> BACKGROUND IMAGE
  • Select TEXTURE and add your video
  • Go to World settings and in the material part select HORI
  • Lastly test my theory by rendering!:slight_smile:

PS. Obviously I’m in a hurry so it could be a lot better!:o

Let me see if I understand this:

You load the movie you want watermarked as a texture on the world, with the hori setting.

You load another video you want to be the watermark as a background texture.

When you render, the watermark video is rendered on top of the world texture movie.

Does the watermark movie have to be the same length as the world texture movie?
Can the watermark be put in certain places in the movie?
Can I use a static image as the watermark?
What effect does the “blend” setting in the background image panel have?
Does the background image or video need an alpha channel?
I assume you are getting the “movie” from a camera and are creating the watermark “video” in Blender. Any advice on creating the Blender video?

totalexodus, thank you for the tutorial. It looks like a good method. I don’t really mean for you to have to answer all these questions, but anyone who tries this out if they could keep these in mind and post answers in the thread, I’m sure everyone will appreciate it.

Q) Does the watermark movie have to be the same length as the world texture movie?
A)It is the same movie, and no.

Q)Can the watermark be put in certain places in the movie?
A)Yes, all it is is an image, or text or mesh.

take this example:

Q)Can I use a static image as the watermark?
A)Yes, either in composite nodes, or create a plane.

Q)What effect does the “blend” setting in the background image panel have?
A)Don’t know…:smiley:

Q)Does the background image or video need an alpha channel?

Q)I assume you are getting the “movie” from a camera and are creating the watermark “video” in Blender. Any advice on creating the Blender video?
A)I don’t really get you…

If you mean using a video created in blender there are three ways:

  • Composite nodes with a static image covering the video
  • Create your watermark and place it in front of the camera when you render
  • Render your video, then do the same as the tutorial and load it as a textureI’m getting too old for this…:slight_smile:

Ok, I didn’t get it. There’s only one video.
So the watermark is an image, mesh or text.
I guess I’ll have to try this to get it figured out.

Orinoco, you may want to go with the flow and check out the wiki: http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Compositing_Nodes_Color#Using_Mix_to_Watermark_images

and yes, either or both input nodes can be avi’s or images or a renderscene.

Go to World settings and in the material part select HORI

It is also needed to check the “Paper” button in “World buttons” so the video dont get distorted.

For such purpose I use VidLogo. It converts video files and allows you to add your video, text or pic watermark to final video! This tool has trial vesion, so everyone can try it.

If you only want to add simple picture or text (not fancy 3d animations etc), you can also use freeware VirtualDubMod and the logo filter in it for watermarking. Here is a tutorial for it : http://forum.videohelp.com/viewtopic.php?t=248307

which adds “geovid” adds on it? :yes:

i dont like geovid, nothing against you, but the watermark, on watermark is a cheap ploy by the company to force users to buy the product.

nice for tests though.

i just ment a blender tutorial, thats all.
i could have posted a sony vegas one if you were going into commercial apps.

virtual dub is also a good alternative.:eyebrowlift2:

c mcf

ps. remeber how long ago i wrote this…

if you want me to write new better one just ask in a reply, as this was ages ago… lol

A easier way would be to just use the sequencer.

  1. Add your video strip
  2. Add your image strip (if needed also a transform strip to position the watermark)
  3. Add a Alpha over strip & render it out.

Recently I have tried a new program for adding watermarks - Watermark Master - and was greatly impressed! It supports almost all basic video and image formats and possesses a marvelous set of features!

by the way that media encoder rocks the hizzle

Hello!! I always use this program! for my opinion it’s the best tool to adding watermark:yes:

I want to suggest this prog too because for me its very usefull;)

I find a good soft here:cool: