Tutorial wont post!

I know there is a thing on this forum where the admins have to approve your tutorial before it is public, but the past 2 tutorials have not been posted - the second of which is no doubt a tutorial (the first was more like a guide) - it was my AK-47 tutorial.

Is there any logic to this or is it just admin error (or something)?

Where did you post your tutorial?

In the tutorial section. same place i’ve posted tutorials before

I’ve had the same issue. I’ve tried to post in the tutorials section and it doesn’t show up, it’s been 3 times so far, and still nothing (since Monday).

I looked in my profile to see if there were any messages from admins but nothing. Who should we ask?

I’ll throw my .02 in and say that I tried to post a thread in the tutorials forum about a week ago and haven’t seen it appear yet.

i think their idea that they have to moderate every post is stupid. who would spam that section and not any other? We’re supposed to me able to help the community if we want to by posting the tutorials we spent so much effort on.

They probably want to moderate our posts so that we dont mis-use that section and put tutorial requests in where there are supposed to be actual tutorials… but by doing this, they force us to use the finished products section to advertise that we made a tutorial (since we cant use the proper section)

Admins, please fix!