tutorials ? how to perform animations in game mode ?

I am trying to find organized material to learn the blender game engine.
For example how do I import animated meshes ?
I ask because I would like to try importing soft body animations if possible, guess not though…



soft body don’t work in the game engine

soft body don’t work in the game engine

Not even as animations , I knew about interactive performance.


Loc Rot and Size IPO’s work in the game engine
Maybe if you bake your soft body animations it will do the “trick”
Now, if you have thousands of polys…the game engine will not like it

I reserve to tray the baking , but I am concerned that soft body is based on particles and might not work even as ipo .
Maybe there is a chance to emulate softbody with a mesh , parenting vertices to vertices of the softbody version or one could use bones ( bulges ) to make some sort of soft stuff , textures permitting.

Your best chance at something like softbody cloth in the game engine would probably be using an armature to deform your cloth. That would work for cape or something like that where you would only need a few different actions. I won’t even get into speculation about more advanced ways to do this right now, some recent (and inprogress) developments in blender game physics seem like they could change (for the better) everything. But it would be worth a shot to try the armature first. Good luck!