[tutorials] That much closer to the final roller coaster tut

Five pages as a base to the final opus.
Yet they answer a few frequent questions by themselves though.

First a presentation page for the tool, renamedZeTool that I use to get the best possible feedback on the behavior of my 3D curve.

Next a page to explain the cause of the knots and how to avoid them, when possible.

Then three examples of classic problem curves and their solution:
a looping

a corkscrew

a cobra

Hope you enjoy.

Very, very good…Many times i haven’t used curves 'cos that knots drive me nutz, you explain how to avoid them very well :wink:

:< I tried to download Zetool but every time I trie I got only 14.9 Kb
and Winzip saying it is an empty Zip file.

Your tutorials are great, keep up the good work

I just gave it a try and all went well… the whole file, compressed, is a bit more than 40 Kb.
Could be that you were out of luck. Could also be something not agreing between the way your browser do things and Lycos do theirs…

Try again and try also “Save Target As…” or whatever your browser has for it. Then unzip apart.
If nothing works call back and I’ll send you the file by mail promptly.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Very nice work, as always, IamInnocent.

I think that you would make an excellent private investigator - you really do an extremely thorough investigation :wink:

The ZeTool is relly cool - makes seeing what is happening with the curve’s normals childs play.

I can hardly wait for the Grand Finale :slight_smile:

Here’s a link with lots of rollercoaster images for inspiration (WARNING [!] very graphics intensive page):


Bennie - Are you using personal firewall software? I find that it can sometimes interfere with downloading stuff.

that looks really interesting!!!

If i get time enough to do another inmersive “ride” short using blender as “acarus Safari” i’ll give it a try!!!

maybe a photorrealistic rollercoaster panoramic ride…

thanks for your effort jean

That is a great link,
There’s a lot of photos on the web but few are detailed and rare are those which translate even a small amount of the thrill.



Best of luck.
I loved your Safari although I am not sure about using Flash. The Blender web plugin would allow much more interactivity and any resolution at less than 10 Mb likely.

I still have one big decision to make as how to present the matter but I guess the tut will be ready by the end of the WE. With a good technique and a bit of experience I feel that a large path, for a camera, a flight, a ride can be set and ‘unknotted’ in 20-30 minutes.

But it will be a tut of close to 10 pages, mostly images and for most the techniques will be some kind of new : the most difficult one I ever wrote but I must render it simple.


I agree with that about space using video Vs realtime… but it was a personal experiment for a “maybe” professional aplication, so blender realtime wasn’t a choice for the experiemnt. The chaoice was between blender panoramic render and max panoramic render (with a script that renders using the same tip that blender uses for panoramic render) and blender offered me motionblur (i made some modifications to the maxscript to render animations, but it render wrongs motionblur) and of course render speed… so once again i used blender

BTW great spanish page about rollercoasters!!! i have been reading it and it’s really interesting.

Very interesting, Jean. I started off using No Limits to make coasters, and then decided to try making some custom ones in Blender. It’s fun.
And for anyone look for a more comprehensive index of roller coasters, here you go: www.rcdb.com