made with blender…
they only gave me 4 days to make it…
that is amazing for 4 days… did u do everything or did u have help?
I bought the chroma too
the only help I had is
1- making the song and it’s music by other people.
2- they hired someone to photograph the girl << easy job with a still camera, haha…
Nice job! The only thing I notice is that the lip synch seems a little off.
I pointed this out to them, but they refused to give me a separate version of [music from voice] so it was hard to fix, and they were rushed… so yeah, out of sync give it a nice taste though,… haha…
very nice job! especially with the given time frame. If you had more time, it would be nice to see improved grass, a 3d tree, and some other small issues. I think the tree stump could’ve used work, but thats about it. Good work!
thanks for the heads up mokazon.
I will soon make a (making of) of that Ad.