TV Prop - SHARP 10P-18H

So, I’ve fallen into a weird new hobby of buying old tech; namely combination TV, radio and cassette players. I decided to model one in particular, aiming to capture as many of the details as possible. Rather than the usual headache of using eBay pictures as reference (often too few angles and crummy quality), I was able to capture plenty of my own and measure details directly if needed.

For this project, the star of the show is the SHARP 10P-18H (a super memorable name). I picked this up for around £50, all in working order. Nice!

I’ll have more of a write-up on my website soon, where I’ll include a few more detailed renders and information about the process.

Thanks for watching :slight_smile:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank youuu! Much appreciated :smile::+1:t2:

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That’s fantastic. I love it.

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Thanks so much! :smile::+1:t2::+1:t2:

I actually found just such a thing while cleaning out my Dad’s house. I have no idea where or when they bought it. :slight_smile: A battery-powered miniature television. “On sale today!”

P.S.: Yes, that’s an excellent render!

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I love that spin table!!!

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Thank you so much! :smile: I love old tech; it’d be like finding treasure…but I’ll settle for eBay. I’m happy there are still people with these things :sweat_smile:

Thank youuu! I made the turntable a while ago, but I get to revive it with new props :smile:

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Awesome! Thanks so much @bartv :smile::pray:t2:

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Lovely stuff and looks great. That hobby can be pretty expensive!! Looking forward to reading about the breakdown. Cheers!

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Thanks for the kind words :smile::+1:t2: Yes, it can get expensive…so I have to pick my battles and keep a handle on my enthusiasm :sweat_smile:

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Your love for this stuff is clear and comes through in your work, great job!

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Yay! Thank you so much :smile: It probably all takes too long to make and is usually too niche for others to be interested in, but the process is very satisfying and helps me to indulge further.

Here is another animation including some additional details.
There’s a little write-up and detail shots on my site: