Twigs dissapear from tree

In the “Tree from curves” wizard, when I click on “Generate Leaves” and then click “Generate from selection” all of my twigs dissapear. Anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong? I am following the tree tutorial on

I am trying to make a tree, but when i click on Generate Leaves, all of my twigs dissapear when I click Generate from Selection. Any ideas? I am following the tutorial at

In the comments of the blenderguru tree tutorial, some people are having the same problem. Try deselecting and reselecting your tree before you reexecute the script.

Here is different 3D tree tutorial.

I did that but it doesn’t work

i figured it out - you can’t use undo al all or it removes your scripts

i figured it out - you can’t use undo at all or it removes your scripts