Two Goombas (warning - HUGE IMAGE)

I know, the HDR caused some spotty lighting - any help with that? maybe the hdr image wasn’t high enough res. anyway, this might be a nice wallpaper, it’s ok I guess. I like mario.

this took an absurdly long time to render on yafray.

To kill spotty hdri lighting, turn up filtering in the image tab of the texture button set to something like 1.5 to 2.0. This’ll fix it. Or should fix it.

The wood being not alligned is pretty distracting. And is the material for the cilinder projeted on a cilinder or is it still on something else cuzz your have a repeating patern there.
As for the mushrooms, well done.


Not mushrooms, goombas.

call me stupid, but…

where the hell do mushrooms come into this picture?

and what is a goomba, other than what im looking at?

Well the agry little mushrooms in Mario are called goomba’s.

One thing that caught me was the misaligned wood in the back, it would be better if there was a seperating line there like boards usually have.

The Goombas are mushrooms?

sits back, takes long look at life…

Spotty lighting from HDR. Add small amount of gaussian blur to the hdr might help. Could use Cinepaint, Photoshop or HDRShop.

yes this was more of a yafray test piece should have probably gone in tests. I didn’t bother doing proper texturing on the bg. oh well. thanks for tip guys that will come in handy about the hdr…

I think the cylinder is still solid. Maybe you should make him smooth.
The mirror effect is very nice. Consider to create each seperate plank instead a plane with a wood texture.

a goomba:
i actually had to research this (my mother forbid me from ever having a gameboy or playing games when i was small so i missed out on the mario franchise and never took intrest after that)
now maybe im being really really thick but how does that image (which is pretty good btw) resemble a goomba apart form being vaguely similar in silhouette?

It’s supposed to look like this goomba

Cant see tarakat’s image, but I assume these goombas harken back to the old ultra blocky guys form the ancient games…

geez drew…you really need to find a way to make photobucket work on your comp…anywayz since im nice i uploaded it on imgeshack…:p…peace out…:cool:

aw, yours is broken too…

whats goin on?

These Goombas are actually from the NES Super Mario Bros. The pictures other people have posted were from Super Mario All Stars Super Mario Brothers 3 and the NES Super Mario Brothers 3.

yup waffler got it. I think I even used that exact gif


only took me 4 days :o

damn i can be thick

but still, less trying to convince me of it being goomba and more sorting of the wood texture

for the quality of the render as a whole that texture is unexcusable IMVAO

*so is the marble