two hands are better than one

How does one animate a character using both hands to move an oar, I can master one hand to move it but when I put another hand on the oar and parent that hand to the oar it jumps around. I want to be able to move either one hand or both to move the oar…Thanks guys or gals.

Youv’e had no replies, so I thought i’d throw in this semi-answer. The situation you describe is probably best animated using IK on the arms, and then making the oar follow the hands.You could also make the IK targets children of the oar and have them follow the oar and deform the bones accordingly. Either way without IK you are up the creek. Without a you-know-what.

I have IK on the hands on both arms. I tried to have the oar children of both IK hands, but when I do that the oar jumps around to a different location. It seems that I can only have the oar children of one of the hands. I want both hands to stay on the oar and move the oars…anyway appreciate you.

What I meant was that you have (I hope) two bones designated as IK targets for the hands. Parent these bones to the oar bone with offset. Position them on the oar. Now when the oar moves, the hands move.