I know posting online about Job stuff is usually a bad thing to do, but i know when someone searches me up, typically, my BAF history is not something that pops up.
Essentially what’s been going on is i lost my job, and it’s been a month know of job searching. I finally got an offer, but it was actually 2. I had 2 interviews 2 days apart. I was told to not mention the other job in either interview.
Now i have a job offer that has been doing my background check and should call me back in a day or two.
This job was pretty far from home, offered the minimum hours i can accept, and they made it a point to tell me it was going to be stressful for some reason? (it’s a Deli in a grocery store?)
But they want to have me, and i have bills to pay.
Although, the second job offer let me know they would definitely call me to let me know if it’s a yes or a No. and told me they had 4 other interviews to do. They will get back to me 4 days from now.
This job is right across the street from my house, is less stressful, part time and full time available, I enjoyed the people more, they have opportunity to move up and even an optional path to be trained for a pharmacy tech without the schooling if i aid in their pharmacy.
Thing is though, i know i’m hearing back from the first job first and will have to tell them a yes or no first. And the second job is like a 90% chance of getting it?
So I wanted to ask if anyone here has had a similar experience,
Honestly i feel like the second job is better but the first one is okay…
If i accept the okay job to cement an income for my bills, but then half a week later get a call from the second job, how can i tell them i’d rather have this other job and leave in a professional manner?
Would it be bad to tell the Okay job to wait a few days while i wait for this other call?
Would it be bad to go into the job across the street and ask them my chances of getting the job?