Two questions

I’ve recently started learning Blender (and I’m doing the tutorials at but I have two questions.

  1. Why isn’t there an undo option in Blender? The knowledge base says that saving is the best undo option there is, but I don’t like to save everytime I’ve made a little bit, so my question is: Is there some fundamental reason against an undo option that it isn’t in or has untill now nobody bothered to code for it?
  2. At user preferences I’ve set the language in Dutch, but everything is still in English, so is there a translation at all or am I doing something wrong (and yes I have saved the changes in my preferences)?

For question 1 it’s something I guess they just haven’t programmed in yet. You can however undo when mesh editing by dropping in and out of edit mode frequently. If you press U when in edit mode it will undo all the changes you made since you last entered edit mode.

If you’re like me you just get into the habit of saving every 2 minutes, and also keeping multiple files so if you need to backtrack you have files at different development stages.

For question 2 I’ve always kept it in english so I’ve no idea.

Ah ok, another question: Is there some way to let Blender count the number of verticles/polygons in an object?

Yes there is. Select the object and enter edit mode, the number of vertices and faces of that object will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

When not in edit mode it’s the total number from all the objects in your scene.

On the tool bar of the Info window right beside the blender logo and version there are the vertex, face, and object counters.
In object mode they give the total number of vertices, faces and objects of the scene. In Edit mode they give the values for the actual object. Left number selceted vertices (faces) right number total of vertices (faces).

To set the language open a new file, change the language settings and do a Ctrl-U and save. The next time you open it should be Dutch.


As well as changing the language in the popup menu, you also need to select what areas to translate, with the ‘Tooltips’, ‘buttons’, ‘toolbox’ buttons.

don’t worry about the undo function too much.
From experience, and from what i’ve heard from most of the other people, once you get familiar with blender you don’t even think about an undo function.
I probably wouldn’t use it much even if it had one. You learn which things you’re likely to stuff up, so even if i make a mistake that i can’t fix, i usually saved just before i did it.

usually the time i’d really want the undo option is when i accidentally erase all my work :expressionless: …so IMHO an undo button would be pretty useful

…although, i’m pretty sure i’ll get used to it, as i did with deleting things in linux tty :]