Two rigs/models in one scene?

Hey guys, I’ve been searching the internet for ages; I’ve looked everywhere and cannot find a way to properly duplicate a rig, or to import two different rigs into one scene. I’ve seen it done on YouTube so I’m sure it’s possible.
Thanks a lot, and I hope someone can help me out here. :stuck_out_tongue:


I also ran to this problem, the only solution I know is to append the model+armature into a new .blend, rename them, and append them back…
I’m also interested in any greater solution :slight_smile:
(could u post that youtube link?)

Well, here’s a video with two different rigs. Thanks for the reply!

I still don’t understand what you meant by “append the model+armature into a new .blend, etc…”, I’m quite new to blender, could someone please go into detail? :stuck_out_tongue:

To get 2 characters into a file is easy, but first read up on this:
For a simple animation, start with a new file and append in the 2 characters you want to use. Keep the character meshes on different object layers, keep the character rigs on different layers. For simple characters, it’s really pretty simple, but like everything you do in blender, you may struggle with it at first. For characters in 2.55 that use python scripts, you will need to copy the scripts and may need to edit them.

The blender foundation’s Character Animation DVD has been uploaded to Head over there and search for blender. I forget the name of the uploader but you can find most blender DVD’s there and the character animation DVD covers that stuff…

Hope this helps,

P.S. most characters are grouped, so you only need to append the group…

Maybe I don’t understand the question. A rig is an object. To create a new one use the Add command. Space bar in 2.49 and shift a in 2.5. Choose to add Armature. Then in Edit mode of the Armature build a rig. To duplicate the rig, Select the Armature in Object mode and use Shift D. To import a rig from another .blend file use File/Append or Link/Navigate to the file and look for the Armature object in the Object folder (not the armature folder).

EDIT: Did not see above post when writing this.

Thanks guys, I figured out how. Thanks alot.