Two simple blender questions

Hi! I’m pretty new to blender and I have two questions:

  1. How do I make a texture stretch all over a mesh and not repeat with every face?

  2. Is it possible to convert other things like text and curves into triangle-meshes? (my exporterscript can only handle triangle meshes).

I hope you know this stuff! Thx! // Petter

2: Alt-C outside of Edit Mode (in Object Mode)



  1. How do I make a texture stretch all over a mesh and not repeat with every face?
    Strange question, a texture usually do exactlywhat you want
    by default, and I actually could not tell you how to do what you say it does. Of course if I got your point :slight_smile:

Have a look to the many tuts on UV mapping.

Select it and press CTRL + C (or ALT+C, cannot recall)

It converts text to curves and curves to meshes.


  1. I presume you’re talking about UV textures because of the repeating stuff - select all the faces (AKEY in faceselect mode), then press UKEY to choose how to project the model’s UV co-ordinates. You can choose from stuff like Sphere, Cylinder, From Window, etc. To see what method will unwrap it best, I usually do a few experiments with different methods, and check how nicely the faces are laid out in the UV editor.

  2. Yep, press ALT-C to convert it to a mesh, then Ctrl T in editmode to triangulate the mesh

EDIT: D’oh! theeth and S68 beat me to it

Thank you for that Alt-C method. It works fine! :slight_smile:

However, with the texturing part:

This is how I add a texture:

(1. Create a mesh )
2. Select all faces with ‘F’ key.
3. open image loader with shift-F10
4. Then I can change the uv coords for one single face.
5. When I go back to the modelling window, the texture is there
with all faces looking the same. (like the uv coords are cloned to every face).

Ohh… never mind! I wrote this at the same time as the answere was posted… Thanx! =)