Could you tell me:
- How to disable grid in blender?
and - How to save preferences?
Could you tell me:
I don’t know about the grid, but to save user prefs, just hit CTRL U.
Hi mkul,
you can set the grid size by:
pressing “F7” , then the buttons just under background picture
Hi myfish,
Right, shift+ “F7”,
Thanks for correcting my mistake :-|
…and then Shift+F5 to get back to the 3D window
If you are NOT using version 2.28 ignore this post.
2.28 seems to have a bug, and won’t save user prefs. The easiest solution is to install an older version, 2.25 for example. You can set things the way you want in the older version, hit <cntl> + U to save prefs. Version 2.28 will then use those preferences.
In case you’re wondering, it’s not a problem to have multiple versions on the same machine, but you can have scripting problems sice the older versions use a different API and Python version.
I’ve got 2.12 (for the rib output), 2.23, 2.25, 2.27, 2.28a, Shmender, Tohupoo
and Tohupoo Two.
I’ve got 2.28 and I can save my user prefs just fine.
Why do you want to disable the grid, I think you will need it. Because it’s very handy to see if you’re not modeling in a custom view, and you have and idea how big the model should be. So why disable it? :-?
Because the grid is awful in anything except Ortho views.
I also have had no problems saving user prefs. Have you got the bug fix version?
I work in Blender 2.28a under Linux and I can save user prefs (Ctrl+U).
When I make models like animals, flowers I don’t need grid - I want to see only geometry.