Two suggestions

I have been using Blender for a few months now and am hopefully getting up to speed.
I Don’t know if this has been asked for already but a way of grouping obj models into folders in the outliner window would be useful and also a constrain proportion button on the resolution size setting would be helpful.

Apart from that I think Blender is excellent and look forward to contributing to this forum.


Hi !

You can’t really do folders into the outliner, but you can at least drag’n drop elements on top of each other (selecting their icons in the outliner) in order to make groups.

You can actually do a constrain proportion on the resolution size. Just change the resolution pourcentage (50% by default). You can increase it to whatever you want : 150% etc.

I hope I understood correctly your questions :slight_smile:

And welcome here !

The outliner could obviosuly be improved, but it needs a developer to take interest, and it might not be the most glamorous project :slight_smile:

Use an empty/obj as group :wink:

Would love the outliner to work as it does in Cinema 4D. It’s not even THAT different (obviously, excluding the way deformers etc work), it just seems more pleasant to use.

Thanks for the replies…

You can actually do a constrain proportion on the resolution size. Just change the resolution percentage (50% by default). You can increase it to whatever you want : 150% etc.

Thanks rattle snake. I didn’t even think of going above 100%


for grouping models you could use the addon called selection sets, its on the blendermarket and costs a bit of money (5$) but saves a lot of nerves;