I saw CRYSTAL_CUBE.BLEND file in the Blender tests files, but I can’t understand how this file was create.

This file have a Mesh - sphere, but this mesh is a light cube :slight_smile:

The mesh Sphere haven’t a color.

This mesh have two UVMAP.

The main uvmap is a camaro.jpg, it’s a light marble.

The second uvmap is a very sweet reflectance of cafe.jpg. It’s a spheric projection from cafeteria. I think.

But how can I do this ?

Someone can help me ?

Sorry my English.

just wrote the wiki on this: see

Basically , with 2.43, you can have many UV layouts and many images for each layout.

Thank you for your answer but this test file exist since Blender 2.35

See this in this mirror site.

And I don’t understand yet how I can create this kind of texture.

Look at the picture :slight_smile:


Thanks for this papa (I have told you I don’t feel comfortable calling another man papa…from now on you’re smurf man ;)), I’ve been trying for the longest (unsuccessfully) to figure out how to get mulitple UV layouts going, especially when concerning alpha maps. Mine never come out right and now I know its because I flipped black and white due to a bad tutorial I read along the lines. This instructional material is very clear and I have no doubts I’ll be able to work my issues out now.