Tyrant 's sketches[Update 13-01-22] -Nudity Warning

This has become an old joke in this thread xD
Yet, it’s 120% true :smiley:

Yeah I suppose it has. But the funny thing is that it sort of proves itself to be true with every drawing I do, sure these works might look good now but when I reach 300 drawings or so the won’t look so good, especially the stuff that I am doing in color, the perspective work, the heads from different angles the cartoon work etc.

Oh man this thread is awesome tyrant monkey! I find it inspiring the way you are walking the path of the true artist and are seeking to continually improve. In particular the way you have moved towards a more painterly style strikes a chord with me - I wish to do this too - I can see your improvement from a being what was a very good artist anyway to now being an amazing one. Your line work has now given way to your paint-strokes and it looks fantastic. Just out of interest - how long does it take you to complete one painting roughly?

Thanks for the kind words Artloader I would say it take me between five to ten hours for each painting done over several days. The master studies I am doing from Sargent take the longest because there is a lot of pausing and questioning going on.

I got serious with the How to Draw Book so sorry folks if there is now a flood of shitty perspective drawings, I have gotten to the really difficult parts of that book.

Bad Drawing No. 163 ellipses kicking my arse.

Bad Drawing No. 164 Ortho bounding boxes to perspective projections

My scanner hates me, I did two drawings but only managed to scan one because my USB cable seems to be seriously damaged.

Bad Drawing No. 165 XYZ sections

These look like good exercises to do - you didn’t fancy doing these on your graphics tablet then Tyrant Monkey?

There is no CTRL+Z to hide behind so it ups my concentration plus in general I want to do more traditional stuff. I want to seriously up the number of pencil sketches I am doing to work my way towards this book…


Bad Drawing number 166 - Extending the sections

Bad Drawing number 167 - 2 Curve combo

My struggle with the chapter from hell continues. If I can’t draw a half decent looking space craft, plane or car after I am done with this book I might just rage quit art:RocknRoll:

Man looking at these I reckon you’ll not only be able to draw a space craft - you’ll be able to build one!! Good stamina my friend - keep going!

Still slogging through what turns out to be the hardest chapter in this book, I think when I am done I will definitely do some revision there is just so much to take in.



I so wanted to get back to 3D and do some hand painted stuff, which I haven’t done in a long time so I started thinking of doing some anime/tsukasa bullet inspired stuff. It didn’t come out the way I wanted so back to the drawing board


second movie study this time from Blade Runner

Bad Drawing 171

Damn your progress over this thread is amazing, guy. They say talent is 95% sweat and… With every new book it seemed like you upped your game so to speak. And, all of those many, many hours are obvious. Really nice work and I hope you keep it up. Trying to balance your 2d and 3d interest has to be taxing.

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I was trying to get away from drawing with standard proportions. I had gotten into a comfort zone with those and had forgotten that not every face looks or even fits those proportions. So in my attempt to add character I pushed things too far. Thanks for noticing, nothing like a freash per of eyes to spot what’s right in front of you. شركة مكافحة حشرات في جدة
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Bad Drawing Number 172

I took a really long break from drawing, I didn’t mean too but it happened. It’s time to keep on working on How to Draw…I need to draw some planes, cars and spaceships when this is all over.

It’s a new year and I need to set some goal My aim this year will be to complete How to Draw and How to Render and to get to at least 210 Bad Drawings.

Really impressed that you’re still at it! You’ve been posting some great stuff

@ AlexanderL thanks dude I will keep on sketching

Bad drawing number 173

This one kicked my butt a bit, Lucky for me this is one of the exercises in the book that come with a video demo I might have to redo this several times to get it right.

Glad to see you back at it mate! Good luck with your new year goals - I look forward to seeing your progress :).

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your progress, and this year should see some amazing developments in your abilities, keep up the hard work!

Bad Drawing 174

So far this has been a lousy year because I have put out so little work…I am now a Schoolism.com subscriber. I am trying to improve on the cartooning side of the equation. I am currently doing the Fundamental of Character Design with Stephen Silver…

My first assignment Walter…

This assignment is just a marker to see where I am before doing all the lessons. I get to redraw the character at the end once I have gone through all the lessons.

You are a true inspiration! Amazing to see your journey on both the 2D and 3D side.