Recently i’ve been working on ubuntu project which i thought was ok so i’ve decided to share it
let me know what u think
Recently i’ve been working on ubuntu project which i thought was ok so i’ve decided to share it
let me know what u think
It is nice. You should try how it looks, if you put the letters staying on the floor, and take some shots from different viewangles.
And make a little story how this was done!
well for other point view I’ll give it a shot, but for the story end of this is the reason i made this because Ubuntu background was ugly so i just wanted to make a better background (plus i was drunk and no one i know was online)
but anyways this was done of course with blender and little with gimp just to resize it, first use curve tool and redraw the logo witch i’ve gotten online then extrude, bevel, and then bevelresolution with both logo and text. now this was not the 1st render but my 3rd render but i will upload soon along with b4 render view soon i find that snap shot program through this linux im using
my 1st verson
and 3rd verson but im still working on lighting or something
blender view
Thanks so much for sharing. Though it kinda looked compressed on the view. You might want to try to place the camera farther a little bit just to give it space to breathe.
K, I’ll do that tomorrow, forgot to backup on my work :eek:
Hmmm… Coincidence? I just finished a little project similar to this one in today!
Of course it is in inkscape but still good timing.
Anyway… I think you should brighten it up a little more maybe some AAO it seems to have alot of shadows… Other than that it looks pretty good.
In case you were curious, here is my small project:
Nice but I’ve looked on-line and many people have made same logo also just after i was done posting this i found one on the ubuntu web page forums (even how to make this logo by using polys)
anyways thanks and I’ll try get the lighting better on it, i cant seem to get it look right some reason but i’ll keep posted on updates
edit: once again i still like your logo
do you mind sharing your material settings for the ubuntu text?
Hey glad you liked my logo, and ya, I know there are lots of them out there I just thought it was odd that I saw Ubuntu logo under recent post right after I finished mine.
Maybe you should try a different background It seems to me that the reflective material on ubuntu is reflecting the black and making it look dark. Or you could try an HDRI map instead of Raytracing.
hmm ok i guess, with alpha .655
heres another
this was rendered at res 2880x1800
personally i think the lighting is wrong. Go for maybe on sun to the right and a low powed lamp to the left.
Also try the logo sitting on a reflective surface to brighten the image up.
other than that its great modeling and thanks for the material settings. Its great to share.
I would think about DOF, it would look much more impressive.
thanks for sharing your mat settings.
ok I’ll try new methods, maybe separate logo with text
thanks for the sharinG!
Last time update, i’ll send file tommarow