UBUNTU TAKES 60 HRS + to download on Wubi

Ubuntu is taking 60 hrs+ to download using Wubi. Well it’s only been 2 hrs but it says it’ll take 60 hrs+! Is this normal? i have a cd but it doesn’t work! 60 hrs…:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I know… It is :no: regular.

it depends on your internet connection. downloading a cd takes 3-6h on my high speed

DSL. :slight_smile: Yeah I know, I know… Just plain old DSL. DSL. DSL.

i dont think it will take 60h in reality. its probably due to a lull in you internet. just let it download overnight. if it really takes 60hours then pray you dont have to download it again;)

I’m not so sure about wubi, but if you download from the main ubuntu site, you can choose a mirror close to you. In the past month, the internet has been slow at my house, but I normally can download ubuntu in ~20 minutes if I choose the right server.

I always download Ubuntu off of torrents. Last time I downloaded Ubuntu (8.04), I got it in under 18 minutes on a standard Comcast connection. Torrents are always faster for Ubuntu.

I’m on dsl and I also went through wubi. It took 3-4 hours. If you can get a faster download elsewhere you can put that .iso file in the wubi directory and then wubi will use that instead of downloading another one.

Well, I do have the live cd but there is some problem with that. I’m probably gonna run it and partition my drive even though it looks like that’ll take another what, 70 hrs? And evryone here needs to use this computer.

why not request a cd from ubuntu shipit?


Well requesting a CD= Shipping which I don’t want to do. But now I’m getting a 1 hr download of Ubuntu on my Mac which I’ll burn to CD then do on my PC. Of course I have another CD that keeps on giving me errors , :rolleyes: so I’m putting on ANother hour to download. By the way, what is the closest mirror to Harrisburg? I’m using the Northeastern abs mirror but is there a faster one?