In Windows I use Alt + LMB
Unfortunately this combination seems to conflict with something in Ubuntu, as it does change the cursor into a grabbing hand but does not orbit.
I thought of using the Super key instead, but it’s bound to the Unity Launcher shortcuts
I know you can use strictly the keyboard, but it’s not quite the same
Btw, I don’t have a MMB. Reason why I use the Alt key in Windows.
Damn, you’re right! I hadn’t thought about selecting edge loops. Another problem!
I thought I could circumvent this by using the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 3d mouse, but it’s only partially working. But that’s material for another thread I guess.
Thanks to the Unity Tweak Tool, you can disable the Super key from bringing up the HUD shortcuts when hold down.
Once that’s done, in the Blender Prefs, under Input/3D view/3D View (Global)/Rotate View, set it to use Super + LMB. Note that the Super key shows as “Cmd” in Blender. Look at bottom of image
Similarly do this to select loops in Edit mode: Look at bottom of image
you should be able to change it to something else in the settings somewhere but if i remember correctly i ended up having trouble doing that because even though the settings said i had changed the shortcut it didn’t seem to actually change the shortcut. edge loops shouldn’t be a problem. 'cause right mouse button instead of left but in any event i always used alt+shift RMB selected to select loops without a problem.
at any rate i ended up swapping to linux mint with cinnamon desktop (it’s like the perfect balance between what gnome 2 was while still using gnome 3 for me) and it actually properly let me change that setting.
also, mice can be pretty cheap. you don’t need the most expensive mouse ever and it’s easier to find a mouse with a wheel than without these days.