I will help blender, and bge, and use ue4 for work,
I am being brought on as a advisor,
but I am already wrapping my head around blueprints,
I think SCA nodes or S(set)C(eval)A(get) would be better*
the reason? flexiblity…
UE4 is coded to use systems they integrate, and though efficient, it’s not near as flexible.
a few more upgrades to game logic and I honestly think the bge is a better tool.
Just don’t itterate over large data sets in python and its quite fast.
Aparently not very many operations in game logic can be threaded do to the sequential nature of games, only things like Path finding, and volume checks and things like that can be accelerated, inside the engine under the hood.
Arrays, Trees, etc are very necessary for any core system that operates on a large data set*
(Like making Level of detail, or Lamp hook managers or light managers etc where you need all objects in a radius with ststic elements*)
I haven’t time to elaborate too much here, but, to say that Blueprints aren’t as flexible is simply ludicrous.
SCA Logic Bricks work. This is accepted fact, and we make games with them all the time. Certainly, we all started with them. But the SCA paradigm is severely limited, in terms of scheduling, reusability, complexity, data flow (as you’ve noticed) and many other aspects that BluePrints exceed in every way.
Blueprints can be made to approximate logic bricks. The same cannot happen in reverse.
you can’t pop a python node into blueprints either*
‘Starting out’ in logic bricks’ is much less convoluted than blueprints…
however you top out much earlier in SCA however you can extend using python,
if I were able to store a property using a sensor, and use it using a actuator, this would raise the level you can go with logic before topping out*
adding more logic bricks would expand this area as well, like
Ray(set property)-------------------------------------and-----------
if property is game object and valid-------------and-----------Steer to target
and when I thought blueprints was less flexible, I was going through the input handles they use in the FPS demo, now I know you have access to input->keyboard-> key events
they are not listed inside events and it was scary**
You might want to check out Skookumscript too. It was released on the marketplace recently and is a free plugin. You may like it if you enjoy python scripting (although it doesn’t really look like python).